SjSWorld Chat with mIRCThese are the instructions for the shareware program, mIRC. We are using the DALnet servers for our chat. Be sure you have the latest servers.ini file, which includes the updated DALnet servers. You can get mIRC or the servers.ini at the mIRC website. Open mIRC. Click Tools, Options. Set up the DALnet ServersUnder Category in the left side of the mIRC Options window, the first category is "Connect". Right under that (Click the + if it is not expanded to show sub headings), click "Servers" Set up Connect/Servers as follows. IRC Network ... DALnet
Automatically try the next serverNow return to looking on the Category at the left, the first entry: in the left panel click the word "Options" then the button "Retry" as below, and the Retry options window will pop up. Check to enable retry and to try the next server in the group. It should something like this:
Enter Personal InformationNow return to looking on the Category at the
left, the first entry: in the left panel click the
word "Connect". Type in a name, email address, and choices of nicknames.
Please remember that there are thousands of users on the
DALnet servers so you will need to pick a very unique
Nickname, or add numbers or characters to it to make it
unique. Don't worry, we have our room "hidden" from the main
list of rooms so we are not at all likely to have people in
here who are not interested in Sjogren's.
Click OK. Auto-join SjSWorld ChatNow let's go ahead and set it up so that you will automatically be put in our room, #SjSWorld each time you connect. From the top menu, Click "Favorites"..."Add to Favorites"
An ADD Channel window pops up. Fill it in as below: You get the "Add Channel" window.
Click OK. Having trouble? E-mail spring@sjsworld.org for help. |