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Sjogren's Syndrome E-Pal Form
Here is how the Sjogren's Syndrome E-Pals system works. Everyone wanting an E-Pal is required to fill out this form and agree to have this information placed on the internet, excluding the e-mail address.
Fill out the form completely as noted. (information *may* be edited as appropriate, with your knowledge)
You will be e-mailed an account number. It will be placed on the website along with the information you submitted (excluding your e-mail address).
When you find a potential E-Pal, send an e-mail to the
E-Pal Coordinator, informing us of your E-Pal choice (give us their E-Pal account number) along with your E-Pal account number. This is to confirm identities and avoid abuse.
Please limit the number of requests to 5 until we hear back from those 5, and
after that you can send them in increments of 5. It helps us get the job done
more efficiently.
The E-Pal Coordinator will send your number and request to the person you have chosen. They can then go to the E-Pal Ads, find your account number, and read about you.
That person will decide if they wish to be E-Pals with you. They will e-mail their decision to the E-Pal Coordinator.
If a match is agreed upon, the E-Pal Coordinator will give each of you the other's e-mail address. You take it from there.
You may have more than one E-Pal.
You may have your Want Ad removed from the site at any time, at which time you will be ineligible to acquire new E-Pals through this program. You may certainly keep the ones you already have.
your identity will be protected, your e-mail address will not
be given to anyone without your explicit permission.
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